Monday, August 23, 2010


Why does it always seem like our partners intentionally do things that they know frustrate us? They learn fast on both sides what to do, what not to do, and when and how to do things that set us off. Most of the time they are doing those things that irritate us subconsciously or unknowingly. We all have our pet-peeves. In the beginning stages of a relationship we tend to over-look our partners annoying habits like leaving the toilet seat up, clipping nails while watching t.v., or not putting their dirty clothes in the laundry basket that is five steps away. However, lets face it, the newness wears off and the annoying habits are still there slowly driving us closer and close to insanity. This cause us women to create some annoying habits that drive men crazy such as nagging all the time. As you can guess this isn't healthy for a relationship. I myself tend to intentionally and unintentionally do things that I know annoy people and somethings I am unaware I am doing those things to annoy my partner until I am called out on them. (and who likes to be called out or told their habits are annoying to their partner?)

I asked a few of my readers what their partner does that annoys them or what some of their own pet-peeves were. From there I created a list of the top 20 annoying habits. Here it is.

1. Texting while on a date
2. Playing too many video games
3. Being clingy
4. Nagging/whining/going off on tangents
5. Being indecisive
6. Being emotionally unresponsive
7. Being bossy
8. Being a know-it-all
9. Bragging/arrogance/conceited
10. Being too jealous
11. Rambling/TMI (to much information)/hinting
12. Being argumentative
13. Making up words to a song because they don't know the real words
14. Blaming all men or assuming all men are bad based on previous relationships
15. Leaving facial hairs in sink
16. Obsessive swearing
17. Cracking knuckles
18. Saying you are "fine" or "not mad" when you really are
19. Being too competitive
20. Being too lazy

There is the top 20 annoying habits as submitted by my friends and readers. I could sit here and go on and on and on with annoying habits and pet-peeves and we all could shake our heads and agree on most all of them (even the ones we ourselves do), but you get the gist of it all. We all have annoying habits and we all have our pet-peeves and the only way to work through them together is open and honest communication with positive actions in change (and we must remain open to the criticism as well if we tend on making it work together) So, remember everyone has their own pet-peeves and annoying habits and we must communicate to overcome them and be willing to change and make the relationship a healthy happy one! EXPRESS DON'T SUPPRESS!!

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