Monday, August 9, 2010


Forgiveness as a follower of Christ not as a Christian. Forgiveness is not earned it is given!

Does this world really need another Christian judging others pointing fingers telling others what to do how to do it how to live and what not. I dont think so. This world needs more followers of Christ (not really leaders as we should all have the same leader) With that said I am not going to tell you what to do, I am going to try to show you how to unleash or set yourself free or how to transform your mind throughout the next couple of weeks.
I was sitting at home mad and frustrated and hating those who had sinned against me, hurt me, left me, cursed me, judged me, and whatever some call this a pity trip I know. I dont know where it came from. It just hit me and I was angry, upset, hurt and in return was like you know what thats it I dont want nothing else to do with this person or him or her for this reason. What they done is unforgivable and most of all unforgettable. So that is that. I even sent a text to let them know look you hurt me for the last time thats it. What did this accomplish? I figured I could block it out not deal with to some degree but also that was my form of retaliation. I was getting back at them by withholding forgiveness. Then the next day sitting in church we start a series on FORGIVENESS. Man is Jon Dupin good or what (I think he has a camera in my head and it sees all I do and dont do) I was sitting there thinking I cant do this I can let it go I can ignore it I can push it away but what am I really doing and what is not forgiving doing to me. I have not even forgiven myself for things I have done people I have hurt, how can I forgive others as a follow of Christ because that is my goal to be what God wants and ask and follow Him with my whole heart mind body and soul. I have had people hurt me so bad that I cant just look at them and say you know what from this point on I honestly fully forgive you and what you done will no longer define me but the fact that I am honestly forgiving you defines me. It dont just happen like that sometimes. FORGIVENESS IS A JOURNEY OF LETTING GO, HEALING, PAIN, AND MOST OF ALL IT IS A CHOICE.
Psalm 130: 3,4 "If you O Lord kept a record of sin O Lord who could stand? But with You there is forgiveness; therefore You are feared (or worshiped or honored)" We are not defined by our sins though Christ we are defined by our characteristics as a follower our ability to forgive and let God pass judgement as we are to love our enemy and neighbor. God wants us to be like Him and He gives us the knowledge to do so. Matthew 5:38,39 :You have heard that is was said, eye for eye and tooth for tooth, but I tell you do not resist an evil person...." Dont give into their ways dont do unto others as they do unto you as the Bible says "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Do not retaliate or seek vengence or be vendictive. Sometimes we say ok you did what you did its all good I accept it but you know what I dont forgive you. Dont treat them the same way they treat you " If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn him the other also." When someone insults you hurts you sins against you dont go to their level. Forgive them serve them as Matthew 5:40-42 says and be kind to them. Matthew 5:43-45 Love your enemys and neighbor forgive those who wound you as this will define who you are. Pray for them if you can not forgive them at that moment Pray "God give me the faith to pray for the one that hurt me and in doing so also give me the ability to forgive them and serve them." If we do not forgive or we think we have forgiven however we still hold on we allow that hurt and that person to define our character and that story that hurt that pain becomes our life and affects us in every aspect of our lives and therefore have no control no faith and no trust in God and no freedom and we hurt. If you find yourself telling the same story of when someone hurt you or did something to you then you are allowing that hurt to define you and you need to forgive because God does and you should as His follower. People are going to hurt us take advantage of us betray us which is a fear we all have in every relationship we enter, and when we dont forgive those who have hurt us our new relationships are filled with fear doubt and are affected by it. If we love those who hurt us forgive them and serve them we will be healed and set free or unleashed and will be defined with God's spirit. Forgiving those who do terrible things to us is your choice and your journey but in doing so you will become free and a closer follower of God and He will take care of justice. Dont take on more than you have to. Luke 17:3-4 If someone sins or hurts against us no matter how many times they hurt us even if they say I am sorry still forgive them. I that same story still comes to mind still pops up in every other conversation and you think you are over it but it is still there still part of you then you have not forgiven and allowing it to define you and hurt you more and make you angry and bitter and withdraw. Luke 6:35-36 Love your enemy and give without any expectations, be merciful. FORGIVENESS IS NOT EARNED IT IS GIVEN!! We get so caged in an eye for an eye, break out be kind and forgive take the journey and if it is harder than you think ask God to help you with it so you can be free. We live within a world that is sustained with pain and hurt so dont get caged it when you have the choice to be free. (I so struggle with this and is something I am working on so I am so not preaching like I know it all this is my focus point right now because I want to be free)
Here are 3 steps to get you started......I am only on step one and have a long ways to go myself.
1. Make a list of people who you need to forgive whether the hurt or sin or pain is big or small just anyone (mine is long and starting with myself because I am worth it)
2. With each person complete these for statements...
-If I forgive him/her what do I get? (can be freedom, peace, love, whatever)
-If I dont forgive them what do I get and how does it define me or affect my life?
-If I forgive them I will be? (happy, whatever)
-If I forgive this means? (write what it means to you to forgive them how it will change you or what you think?
3. Pray for Gods strength and pray for them.
This is just the beginning for me.

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