Monday, August 9, 2010


OK, I'm back on the topic of relationships. This happens to be an area of struggle which to my surprise I'm not the only one.

Relationships are always tough, and things don't get any easier as time goes on. You don't get any better at it just because you've been on the job longer. With most long-term relationships, there are going to be periods of ennui or boredom along the way. There are going to be fun times, rough times, fights or confrontations, laughter, tears, changes both good and bad, ups and downs, ins and outs and much more that will impact your relationship in a positive way or negative way. We all love the feeling of falling in love, the freshness of a new relationship growing and maturing, the excitement, the uncertainty, the jitters, the fun that is involved with falling in love. However, there comes a point in all relationships where we start wondering about things. "Is this is?" "Now what?" "When did our love change and become routine, mundane, and boring?" We start to miss the excitement, the thrill and we get stuck on replay or pause settling into routine and not moving. Our relationship starts to wither into routine with us slowly dying and becoming dysfunctional. We start seeking and looking for that old feeling again whether it is with our partner or else where. We start loosing communication, interest, and we start to become dysfunctional and the relationship begins to wither. If the relationship can't move forward it withers. When we get stuck on pause the relationship becomes dysfunctional and we become unhappy. This is unhealthy for everyone involved. All of us know exactly what I am talking about.

How do we keep a relationship moving forward so it doesn't become dysfunctional and start to wither? How do we keep our relationship exciting and that new fresh feeling pounding in us?

Since this is obviously not an area I know well I sought out for some answers from friends and family. I am familiar with the routine dying relationship. So, I needed some advice. From there I composed two list and I want to share them with you. The first list consists of important elements of a relationship and the second list consist of thing you can do/should do to keep your relationship from becoming dysfunctional and withering away.


1. COMMUNICATION - This is a two-way street and requires listening, open and honest conversation, compromise, and actions.










From there I compiled the following list of 10 things we can do to keep our relationship feeling new, exciting, and moving forward.

1. View all problems life gives you as challenges to be faced together and make all decisions together

2. Talk everything out. EXPRESS DON'T SUPPRESS!

3. Compliment each other.

4. Send erotic/hot/cute text messages to each other

5. Be spontaneous/creative

6. Laugh together

7. Be affectionate/Always kiss goodnight

8. Try new things together/Start a hobby together COMMON INTEREST= FUN TIME TOGETHER

9. Genuinely give your time to your partner without them asking for your time. Date nights. Take time out each day for each other to let them know they are important and loved. YOUR TIME AND ATTENTION ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT GIFTS YOU CAN GIVE ONE ANOTHER. As they say, "You can always make more money, but you can NEVER make up time."

10. Set goals together so you are always working towards something together and this will give you something to communicate about, and always has the relationship moving forward or towards something bigger, better, and new. Remember. set short and long-term so you are able to accomplish them together.

So, there you have it the 10 elements of a relationship and 10 things you can do each day to keep your relationship moving forward, interesting and exciting! Good luck and keep it exciting and moving!

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